Whether you are ready to work through some of the obstacles that have kept you from tapping your true potential or whether you are ready to explore thoughts or feelings on a deeper level, as a certified life coach, I believe it is my job to walk alongside you on your chosen journey.
Most of us have a support system that helps us maintain a healthy state of functioning even during difficult times. Occasionally, increased stressors in life can trigger distress and overtax those support systems. Without that, our coping ability is challenged which may reduce our resiliency and affect our normally healthy ability to function. That is when complications may emerge in all aspects of life. And the results can be overwhelming.
I provide a safe, confidential atmosphere where we explore your goals and move at your pace. You are the expert on your life. I work from the APSATS multi-dimensional trauma model, and include Sensorimotor Trauma Therapy, Imago Relationship Coaching, and Life Coaching.
I believe that every client is creative, resourceful and whole, and I am here to help you discover, or rediscover, what you already know about yourself.